kamis 5 juli 2007 from arduti_gile@yahoo.co.id
21st Conference of the European Health Psychology Society: Health Psychology and Society
The Maastricht University and Hasselt University are very pleased to invite you, Socio-Cultural Organizations, Youth Organizations,Community Based Organizations (CBO's), Educators, Scholars, Researchers, Health Organizations, Professionals, Business Organizations, Decision makers in the public & private sector, Representatives of Governmental and Non-Governmental organizations (NGO's), Religious Organizations, Human Right Organizations & Women Groups to the 21st EHPS Conference from 15-18 August 2007 to be held in Maastricht, The Netherlands, with satellite events at Hasselt University, Belgium.
Theme: Health Psychology and Society:The focus of this conference is on health promotion and interventions at a population level. Aspects of this broad main theme will be discussed in keynote lectures and invited symposia. Specific sub themes include: interventions at a population level; intervention mapping; collaboration with industry, policy makers, media; e-health; changing environmental conditions for health.
This conference will bring together 1026 representatives of NGOs/CBOs and numerous number of interested individual from all over the world. The conference will be conducted on participatory bases with satellite plenary and simultaneous sessions followed by general and small group discussions.
The EHPS Conference is the meeting place for members of the European Health Psychology Society and for all other behavioral and health scientists and professionals interested in the current state of the art in health psychology. Students and health psychologists from Eastern Europe as well as from developing countries are especially invited to join and arrangements have been made to facilitate their participation.
The University receives financial suport for the conference from PEARSON Education,IBM, ORACLE, SUNGUARD education,UNICORN,SERENSOFT, ALBERT HEIJN Supert markt, C1000 Super makt. MEDIA markt etc.This sponsorship covers the following:
The conference organizing committee will provide a Return airplane travel ticket for all invitees from their home countries to venues of event in theNetherlands and back to their home countries.
The conference organizing committee will provide a medical insurance cover for invitees throughout the entire conference duration.
The UNIVERSITY will not assume responsibility of any other cost, other than those listed above.
(3) VISA ASSISTANCE:The conference organizing committee will render visa assistance to all qualified participants requiring entry visa to enter the Netherlands, pending if the visiting applicants return their conference application forms along with the receipt of their hotel reservation in the Netherlands as evidence to prove that,they the participants will proceed to the Netherlands for the conference.
All invitees can also invite Five to Ten (5-10) Persons irrespective of Gender.
REGISTRATION PROCESS:For purposes of registration to take part in this Conferences, please request for the 21st EHPS International Conference Registration form and other conference information.
The request for Registration Form and Information should be addressed to the secretary:
MRS.SUSAN MUSSCHENBROEK (Maastricht University.) Community Representatives/Secretary.
Office of Organizing Committee,
21st EHPS Conference 2007.
secretary21st_ehps2007conference@apennootje.nlWhile we anticipate your earliest response, you are advised to contact the secretary's Email:
secretary21st_ehps2007conference@apennootje.nl OR
www.ehps2007.comMeet us in Maastricht this August 2007 to assert anew change for a stronger society.
Best Regards,
Joseph Van Hardijn,
21st EHPS Conference Chair. 2007
Maastricht University.The Netherlands